Wednesday, June 09, 2010

How to Approach a Web Video Series as a Marketing Strategy

How to Approach a Web Video Series as a Marketing Strategy

What’s a proven but very overlooked social media business strategy for professional minded individuals and small business operations, one that’s well-suited for online video? According to successful author and Chicago media personality Robyn Okrant, it’s doing “serialization” with your video content ­– i.e., knowing how to tell a story as a series of videos where your audience stays tuned on a daily basis. Listen to my podcast interview to hear about a how serialization can be a successful online video strategy that builds an enthusiastic audience and great-word-of-mouth marketing – even without having an actual marketing budget.

Every now and then we at ReelSEO like to cover media personalities and their own takes on online video marketing, getting fresh perspectives from people not embedded deep in our industry. Robyn Okrant is a Chicago-based author, artist, and media personality who I would say certainly fits that billing. She’s the author of the book Living Oprah: My One-Year Experiment to Walk the Walk of the Queen of Talk, and the sister “Living Oprah” blog that generated over a million monthly views featuring her personal project diary. Her online popularity led to international television appearances (including the Today show, CNBC, MSNBC) and national radio programs, more book deals, and the lecture circuit on successful social networking with new media, but a self-avowed non-tecchie drama arts major.

So how does someone with a performance background but no real techie background manage to be a proven success with social media all by herself? Well, aside from picking a subject that happens to be arguable the biggest key influencer in modern history save for perhaps one or two religious figures (I’m referring to Oprah Winfrey of course), she touched on a concept that is pervasive in the traditional entertainment world and high-priced video webisodes, but very rare with your regular bloggers – that would be serialization.

Read the full story at

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

What Recent Google Announcements Mean for Google - WebProNews Video

It is always interesting to find out what search industry veteran Danny Sullivan has to say about announcements pertaining to the Web. For this reason, WebProNews spoke with Sullivan at Google I/O to get his opinion on HTML5, Android, and Google TV...

As we have previously reported
, Adobe announced an update pack to Dreamweaver CS5 for HTML5. Since the announcement was made at Google I/O, Sullivan believes Google wants to publicly show that it embraces the idea of openness that HTML5 is built upon.

“It plays well with Google’s thing, which is… if you can get to everything on the Web, then Google thinks it’s going to win along the way,” says Sullivan.

In regards to Google TV, Sullivan is excited about the innovation but is curious about pricing. He specifically says, “It puts them [Google] into a place where people are spending hours of their day and not getting a chance to see any of Google’s ads…”

He points out that he would like to see Google TV integrated into cable company services. Despite all the excitement about Google TV, what does it mean for the iPad? Currently, many people use the iPad to look up items as they are watching TV. Google TV, however, could eliminate this need. In addition, Sullivan indicated that Google TV could lead to a greater adoption of Android devices since it runs Android apps.

There have also been many questions since Google has two operating systems: Chrome and Android. Sullivan tried to get Google to clarify the two moving forward but did not receive a definite response. The company hinted that it could unify Android and Chrome at some point in the future, but did not make any commitments that it would.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

CEO's Marketers, Business Owners and Entrepreneurs Join Me on Facebook

Dear, CEO's, Marketers, Business Owners and Entrepreneurs... 

Let me help you keep up with the latest SEO, Social, Mobile, Video, Internet Marketing Scoop and Much More on my Facebook Fan page:

I am now posting all the good Internet Marketing content on my Fan Page. I hope you will find it useful as the Internet world changes constantly! 

See you there!

Warm Regards, 
Marci Rosenblum
SEO Strategist, Web Traffic, Social Media Marketer