Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Web Success Team Client, Gets a Mention in The Wall Street Journal...

I am so happy to share this good news with you...

The Wall Street Journal mentions Cherryl Weaver a Web Success Team LLC. client and her Website: www.HotLANeighborhoods.com!

The Journal wrote… “One advertiser, Cherryl Weaver, says she's seen a 13% jump in traffic to her real estate Website..."

My Personal Kudos to Cherryl Weaver for utilizing her new Website as a great marketing tool for her Real Estate Business in Los Angeles, California!

*** Thumbs up!

Continue Your Marketing Efforts During The Holiday Season!

Make good use of your Web Marketing Time, especially during the Holiday Season...

As consumers surf the Internet to look for products, services and information this holiday season, entrepreneurs and business owners can profit by providing an effective web marketing presence for these prospective customers. The result is an increase in lead generation, qualified prospects, and ultimately, more sales.

During Thanksgiving and the Holiday Season it is a perfect time to consider on-line coupons, rewards, or special discounts to promote visitor retention. It is very important not only to reach, but retain the customers your web site generates for you. Repeat on-line business can be a tremendous source of revenue for your business, long-term.

Just to sum it all up in a Nutshell...

You should be thinking Holiday offers, gifts, special discounts and promotions, especially this time of year!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Why Branding Is So Important...

Your brand is what identifies YOU and or, your COMPANY to the World!

It resides in the hearts and minds of your customers and prospects as the sum total of their experiences with, and perceptions of you and or, your company. Good branding ensures loyal customers, and your existing customer relationships are the key to profitability. Branding is a major marketing goal.

SEMPO research on business marketing goals shows that most companies place "increase brand awareness" at the top of their list. Other goals include, "selling products/services online", "generating leads", "increasing traffic", "generating leads for distributors", and "providing information/education".

I recommend you check out what SEMPO has to say, Good Branding and overall Consistency are two major keys to success!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Holiday Email Marketing Are You Prepared?

Three Recommendations for Preparing your Holiday Email Campaigns...

1. Use a good Autoresponder service to deliver your email campaigns that will help you to maintain your list properly. I recommend you checking out the features at AWeber Communications.

AWeber is very affordable and a great way to get started with your email marketing efforts.

2. Ask and or survey your customers, this is a perfect time of year to collect the information you will need for all your marketing efforts in 2006. I recommend The ASKDatabase it is very inexpensive for the amont of data you can collect. I have found it to be a must have tool.

3. Add audio to your website and instantly watch the difference in how your visitors react. Having audio on your website is a huge benefit and is a great way to put a voice with a company name or face. People love to listen and it takes less effort then reading! I recommend AudioGenerator™ it is inexpensive, simple and easy to use!

I have posted more resources for you to check out at the link below and have personally used and recommend them all: http://www.thewebsuccesscoach.com/recommends.html

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Teleseminars Are A Must For Every Business!

Definition: What is a Teleseminar, Teleclass?

I get asked this question all the time, so here is a definition...

Definition: a teleseminar, teleclass, audio seminar or audio conference (different terms for the same kind of event) is conducted by phone. You dial in to a special conference line where you listen and learn, hear guest experts & have a chance to ask questions, right from the comfort of your own home or office.

Teleseminar formats usually run: 60 to 90 minutes; you dial in by phone.

And the best part is...

You dial in from the comfort of your own home, office, car from anywhere you want to: learn more & travel less!

It doesn't matter what business you're in, teleseminars are your fastest, easiest, most economical way to boost your sales and profits without spending a single penny more on advertising or promotional costs.

Teleseminars are excellent for conveniently educating an audience on a specific topic and to promote or upsell an event, service or product in the comfort of their own environment (home or office).

Developing a successful teleseminar consists of several components – an email campaign with an audio billboard to promote and sign-up attendees, links to a website for further information and credibility, receive downloadable free content to prepare for teleseminar, ask page component to get feedback from listeners as to what is important to them, thank you page and reminder pages, including a viral component to create more attendees and buzz about the teleseminar.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Getting Feedback From Your Website Visitors Is A Must!

Web Marketing End Of The Year Survey...

Run an end of the year marketing campaign and survey your visitors, offer a free coupon or a gift certificate for answering a few questions. This way you can get some feedback on how you did during the year and find out what your visitors/users think of your website, products, services etc...

Make your survey short and sweet, no more then 10 questions, "multiple choice" or "check all that apply", only!

Make it very simple and fast to use.

Add audio into your survey, this humanizes your page so the user feels comfortable participating in your survey because they now are able to put a voice to your name with a photo.

Here are a few samples of some successful survey campaigns:

Sample #1 - Engineering Company

Sample #2 - Cosmetics Company

Sample #3 - Dental Consultant and Author

Sample #4 - Direct Mail Company

Sample #5 - Website for Dog Parents

These samples should help you to start thinking about how you can present your next survey!

I look forward to sharing a lot more Holiday and End of The Year Tips with you very soon, stay tuned for more...

How Important is Networking in Your Everyday Life?

Networking in your everyday life, it is simple, a must and very important...

This past weekend I attended an incredible art exhibit of my good friend Eric Zammitt, at the Newspace Art Gallery in Los Angeles, California.

As I walked into the reception area and noticed several people of all ages mingling looking at his art, talking, sipping wine and eating cheese.

I saw a perfect networking opportunity all around me...

The first thing I noticed were people saying hello, introducing themselves to each other and the first question was "so what do you do for work"?

Is that not the perfect question? Now that opens the door for you to make that connection about what you do and who you are!

Within one minute you can accomplished these 3 things:

1. Make a connection with that person (introduction).
2. Hand out a business card.

3. Deliver a 30 second elevator speech about your business.

If you think about this, every place you go can become a great networking
opportunity and you can have fun while doing it!

You never want to miss a chance to be able to meet new people and get the word out about yourself and your business, you just never know who you might meet, and who you are handing your card to!

Friday, November 04, 2005

Do You Have Your Online Holiday Marketing Campaign Ready to Go?

Here are a few suggestions for you as the Holiday Season approaches:

It is no secret that online sales are expected to break all records this holiday season. Will your company benefit?

This is the time of year where you want to think Holiday Sales, and as many as possible!

Special Holiday Promotions...

Use the Holiday Season to discount your products and services and run online Holiday niche marketing campaigns to your current list or target online market.

Take advantage of the 2005 Online Holiday Sales Season today, and get YOUR business sales campaign started as soon as possible!!

If you're not marketing your business on the web, you need to think twice, look at the industry and give serious consideration to where your efforts are focused. Businesses are embracing search engine and other online marketing at a GROWING rate and those that do not jump on the web bandwagon soon will likely find themselves having a hard time catching up.

Feel Free to Ask Me a Question:
Visit: http://www.thewebsuccesscoach.com