Thursday, January 29, 2009

Why Direct Response Websites? - Web Success Team

Why Direct Response Websites?
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Direct Response Websites are simple and intuitive, have easy to follow navigation, and use proven interactive techniques. We develop websites that get results by creating a call to action to obtain a sale, and capture email addresses for future marketing outreach.

This is how your website should work. Since your prospective customers and clients are one click away from your direct competitors, your website needs to persuade them to stay and take the action that pays-off for YOU and your business.

We build in the necessary techniques to generate a "Call to Action." Direct response websites focus on a defined target audience, create the intended mood from the start, and result in accomplishing at least one of three things: obtain a sale, schedule an appointment or collect a name and email address to be used for future outreach and sales opportunities.

Our interactive websites are designed to drive traffic and generate sales! If you don't develop a comprehensive strategy for marketing your website, you can't build a profitable online business. It's imperative to drive thousands of visitors to your site, then convert them to paying customers.

With the right website design you can turn visitors into buyers. You can change the way people think about your business. The interactive techniques we use will HUMANIZE your website, draw traffic, collect valuable marketing information and generate sales. The Internet is the most economical and effective way for businesses to communicate.

You must have a website that works for your business! Your smart, effective website design positions you ahead of your competition. Your prospective customers and clients immediately trust you because your website design focuses on them and their needs. They recognize you as someone who can help them solve a pressing problem. And they are willing to pay you for it.

For More Info Visit:

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Video with Chris Boggs - Optimized Site Vs. Search Friendly Site - WebProNews Video

Video from SES Chicago: Optimized Site Vs. Search Friendly Site...

Everyone wants both an optimized website and a search friendly website, but it seems that most sites lean either one way or the other. What comes first - optimization or search friendliness? In this video, Chris Boggs of
Rosetta (formerly Brulant) explains how realizing that there is a difference between optimizing a site and making it search friendly is the main problem behind the misunderstanding of this topic.

“It’s easy to optimize the site, but you have to make it search friendly - big difference.”

Making your website search friendly is actually the first step. Your url needs to be search friendly. If you are a marketer, you need to work closely with the IT department on joint goals and strategies...

Watch the Video:

Read more at: WebProNews