Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Are You Using Google Web Analytics?

Web analytics is the process of analyzing the behavior of visitors at a web site.The use of
web analytics helps organizations maximize the value of their Internet marketing efforts. By understanding visitor behavior, organizations can tailor their marketing efforts to attract, retain, and grow the value of customers.

There are many reasons why your organization might want to analyze your web site’s traffic. First, you will want to know whether your web site is attracting visitors and whether the investments that you are making in it, both
in time and in money, are
paying off.

Then, you will want to know more about trends on the web site. You need to understand where visitors came from: whether they were referred by a specific search engine, responded to an ad campaign, or used a particular keyword (either pay-per- click or organic). Content developers will want to know which pages and sections are most commonly viewed and how long visitors stay. Your webmaster and IT department will want to see how servers are performing and whether or not visitors are receiving error messages when they access various pages.

Lastly, you should learn as much as possible about individual visitors, including their names, companies, email addresses, telephone numbers, and geographic location so you can leverage this information for targeted content and marketing activities. You will also want to see what each of these individuals did on your web site, such as whether they filled out online forms, made purchases, or if they fall into any other visitor behavior segments that have been defined for your web site.

With Google Web Analytics, you can get the answers to the tough web questions... I highly recommend you look into using this Totally Free Web Analytics Tool.

Learn more at: http://www.google.com/analytics/

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